
The internal dimensions of the prefabricated metal ossuary cell are at least 30 x 30 x 70 cm.

We can supply prefabricated metal ossuary cells with dimensions on request.

In the same self-supporting ossuary columbarium it is possible to insert multiple sized ossuary cells in which ossuary boxes are placed containing the mortal remains of members of a family ossuary cells in which ossuary boxes are placed containing the mortal remains of members of a family, forming a kind of ossuary family chapel. The adjoining family cells can be closed by a single family tombstone.

Self-supporting ossuaries are earthquake-proof. The cells and seals of the anti-seismic metal ossuaries are completely in stainless steel or completely in galvanized steel. The ossuary is not in aluminum and there are no aluminum cells.

The cells of the anti-seismic ossuaries are fully connected to each other, helping to increase the overall solidity of the metal ossuary.

All parts of the metal ossuary are of the same metal to avoid corrosion. The self-supporting ossuary in AISI 304 stainless steel has cells, seals and all other parts, including joints and supports, in AISI 304 stainless steel.The self-supporting ossuary in galvanized steel has cells, seals and all other parts, including joints and supports, in galvanized steel.The metal anti-seismic ossuary can be connected to other structures such as columbarium of niches or cineraries.Each cell of the self-supporting prefabricated ossuary is covered externally with a marble tomstone.

The tombstone can be supplied with accessories (photo frame, flower vase, votive lamp, numbered plate).

The columbarium of prefabricated metal ossuaries can be equipped with an electrical system or be predisposed for it.